At CSADV we believe in being a good community partner and we strive to end violence through education and outreach. Often violence is a learned practice and a cycle that repeats itself. By creating awareness and providing education we hope break that cycle.
In addition to the direct services CSADV provides, our community outreach program strives to create awareness and educate the community concerning the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child victimization. To accomplish this, we offer education to different groups within the community and we have implemented a comprehensive informational campaign concerning the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child victimization.
CSADV provides educational opportunities to the communities we serve. Educational presentations are available to all segments of the community—schools, colleges, civic groups, religious group and businesses—and can be modified to best target your group and fit your schedule. Presentations are informative and assist the public in becoming more aware of the issues surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault.
CSADV provides educational prevention programming for preschool children through college level. The educational programs incorporate role plays, skits, live characters, printed materials, video, discussion between the presenter and audience, and much more. It is our belief that education is vital to ending child and adult victimization.
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